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18 hours ago
Talos, also known as War Golesm, are towering engines of destruction that resemble huge steel-skinned Dwarvish warriors. Beards of chain dangle from the chins of their massive metal heads. Great funnels protrude from between their shoulder blades. After many years of being OOP, we are bringing this classic model back!
Category: Void 1.1
TAV’s (Tracked Assault Vehicles) are light, rapid response vehicles used across the galaxy for urban pacification by VASA’s security forces. There are three common variants, and the chassis is designed to allow easy refitting within a matter of hours, providing maximum flexibility should a VASA force be cut off from…
G.B. Mora
Urban War future
Desert Marauder Dune Buggy – Assembly Manual
News 27/06/2023
Heroes of Havökkia
Hi folks! After a long wait, they are finally here! The first of dedicated heroes for the Battle Havoc! wargame! Warrior Queen Eritha Thurro VOID – Assault On Juzo Precinct Pre-Order!!! Agents of the Midnight Ravens Legion have captured a high ranking Syntha spy, an Omega Biomech. The spy is detained at…