Latest news round-up – 22/09/2022

The end of summer is here, but this autumn will also be exciting. Here is the latest round-up of news from Seb Games!

VOID Squad Tactics – Download today!

What is Squad Tactics?

Building a Void army can be quite a challenging and time-consuming affair, but what if you want to start playing right out of the box? This is where VOID Squad Tactics kicks in!

Squad Tactics is a supplement to the main game of Void that focuses on small skirmishes. Players each command a single squad, leading it on infiltration missions, longrange recons, patrols, or simply fighting to survive on the vast battlefields of the Draconis Alba Galaxy.

Herklan’s Foresters

Herklan’s Foresters! The famous rangers of the wild Western Greenwood.
We will run a wee pre-order for them in the next couple of weeks. The initial release will contain the following packs:

  • Herklan’s Foresters Troopers (5 different designs)
  • Herklan’s Foresters Command (Std. bearer and musician)
  • Herklan’s Foresters Champion (The one in the image above)
  • And last but not least, Herklan himself.

As always, we will have a wee gift for those participating in the pre-order. More details will follow.

Mighty Herklan

Herklan’s Troopers

Bane Bringer’s – NEW 10mm Rattifolk miniatures

Bane Bringer’s monks are the most devoted warriors among the Rattifolk. Always fighting in the first line, their two-handed flies wreak havoc in enemies’ ranks. Many myths and rumours are spread across Havökkia, depicting the cruelty, sadistic rituals and sickness they spread. There are not many who were lucky enough to face them in combat and survive.

Battle Havoc! – New BattleBox with 10mm miniatures!

And as we are in the 10mm realm, here is another sneak peek of the upcoming 10mm BattleBox. We are planning to include as many extra materials in the box as we can😎  

That’s all for now!

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