Latest updates
3 days ago
Hobby Monday!Those wee lads are taking more time to paint than I appreciated 😀
Anyway, you can expect them to be available from our website later this week 😎
Void Knights

Void Knights are near-legendary individuals who have trained in esoteric arts that allow them to perform amazing feats on the battlefield. They use a combination of strict mental disciplines that take years to learn, and a withering fitness regime to manifest their so-called Meta Powers. There are three different vocational…
Metal Warrior Miniatures
Junkers 101
New releases
It’s a bit crazy time for small companies as we ours, so please forgive us for such delay. We have some exciting news for you, so let’s get cracking! Customer service in the face of Covid-19 We still take orders and ship them as soon as we can. Our facility…
Customer Service update
Oki Doki, just to let everyone know, our facility in Scotland operates as usual, if we can say that, taking to account the whole fluidity of the situation. We still take orders and ship them as soon as we can. We do monitor the whole situation and fallow all authorities…