Urban War

Iskandria, a vast city on a small blue world. Once home to hundreds of millions, a seat of empire, of commerce and communication, the hub of a thousand planetary systems. Now the city is a grave, its spires shattered, its highways churned and cratered, its people in arms or in deep hiding or given over to the nightmare of alien assimilation. War fleets converge here, armies mobilize, creatures inimical to mankind infest the warm seas that surround Iskandria and poison the entire world toward human life. Men die here

Urban War is a fast paced sci-fi skirmish game set in a brutal far-distant universe. Players build small teams of soldiers to fight in the war-torn city planet of Iskandria, the scene of countless vicious conflicts between competing factions, now also threatened by aggressive alien incursions.

Urban War is a tabletop game for two or more players. The individual model and experience based system enables a unique variety of tactical choices, as you develop your teams to suit your own personal play-style and strategies.


On Iskandria there are seven distinct factions vying for dominance: The Junkers, the Gladiators, the Triads, VASA, the Viridians, the Syntha, and the Koralon.

The Legions of Ironglass

From Ironglass, the Junker home planet, the Senate rules the militaristic Junker Empire with brutal authority. In Junker politics and society power is everything, all else is a means to this end. Though political alliances within the Senate may shift, and individual Senators rise and fall, the Junker Empire presents an aggressive and united face to the other major powers.

The Convict Legions make up the vast bulk of the powerful, if unsophisticated, Junker armies. Recruiting is never a problem, as the sentence for virtually any civil crime, no matter how petty, is a period of service in the Legions.

Triads -The Way of the Warrior

The Triads are steeped in the ancient traditions of their ancestors. Clan loyalty, respect for ones superiors, selfless disregard for personal danger, and dedication to the martial arts are some of the defining qualities of Triad life, that and the pursuit of profit by criminal means.

Effectively existing outside mainstream society, the Triad’s criminal underworld operates almost in parallel with the rest of the population, only impinging on it when in the process of some illegal activity.
There are many Triad gangs or ‘families’, and their rivalry is bitter. The resulting feuds can last for years or decades, some have even spanned generations. In truth, the Triad clans are united only by their distrust and contempt of outsiders.

Gladiators Strength and Honour

At the heart of the grim militaristic Junker empire is the Senate of Ironglass, and here power is the only currency of value. In Junker politics, as in the rest of their society, those without power are of no consequence.

The gladiatorial arenas in every Junker city provide the ruling classes a means of keeping the mass of the downtrodden populace quiet, if not precisely happy. The gladiators that provide this brutal and bloody entertainment are usually convicted criminals or the property of privately owned stables. Distinct as they are from the rest of society, gladiators respect only their fellows, holding to their own code of ‘Strength and Honour’.

VASA – Justice for All

From its icy home planet Vacillus, orbiting the dead sun Leviathan, VASA’s power reaches to the furthest extent of known space. In the distant past VASA was a purely scientific body, but now it commands the mightiest of star fleets, far surpassing those of any of its rivals.

VASA controls the vital Grav-wells through which all inter-stellar traffic must pass, and through taxes and levies it funds its policing, customs and peacekeeping activities. Though viewed by most as a benign power, a hardcore of dissidents throughout the galaxy believe VASA to be overbearing and oppressive.

Viridians – Corporate Power

The Viridian home planet Viridia lies at the core of a mighty commercial empire. Proclaiming its dedication to free trade, democracy and pan-humanic capitalism, the Viridian government is not above using its powerful armed forces to ensure that its policies are enforced. These forces rely on overwhelming superior firepower, and prefer not to engage in wars of attrition. High levels of troop losses are frowned on back home, and can lose votes with the electorate.

Syntha – Faith in the Machine

No longer fully human, the Syntha see themselves as the next step in the evolution of mankind. Their society is dedicated to the advance of science and technology, and all facets of their life are guided by a massive artificial intelligence called Prime. The Syntha home planet is also called Prime, and in fact the AI and the planet are inextricably linked.

The Syntha look forward to a future in which the lines between man and machine have disappeared, and vat grown humans, biomechanoids, cyborgs and robotic androsynths all play a part in the ongoing experiment that is life. To the Syntha, superiority in technology, design and functionality will inevitably lead to dominance.

Koralons – Agents of the Apocalypse

The Koralon are perhaps the greatest threat that mankind has ever had to face. Driven by a powerful alien intellect, they wield dark and terrifying technologies that are capable of warping conquered worlds and their inhabitants into foul parodies of their former selves. Humanity is faltering under their unending onslaught.

The ‘true’ Koralon are indeed a mighty and terrible foe, with mastery of alien sciences fully the equal of anything yet developed by man. However they are also accompanied by ever swelling numbers of ‘hybrid’ Koralon, mutated creatures from the worlds they have conquered.


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Yes, you are not mistaken. As we are working on a new edition of the game, You don’t want to wait for the new edition and stater set? No worries!
We already have a great selection of sets available from our website:

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