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3 days ago
Hobby Monday!Those wee lads are taking more time to paint than I appreciated 😀
Anyway, you can expect them to be available from our website later this week 😎
10mm Late Roman Heavy Cavalry
Dwarven Archers
Design notes: Buccaneers & Scoundrels I
I decided to start this series to give you all an inside look about what is going on, general thoughts behind the decisions I made during the designing and “production” process. It is a bit old news, but here is a quick recap. Our friends from EOE Orbis (Black Tree Miniatures) successfully run…
Buccaneers & Scoundrels!
Drakul Cavalry Knights – pt1
Review: Mantic Elves
Review: Ruined Gothic Walls by Armorcast

You can have the best-painted miniatures, but they will look rather sad and repulsive on a table with pieces of carpet as woods and books used as hills. An excellent looking terrain is what every game needs, and in this days, there is a whole universe full of different products and manufacturers to choose. I was…
Demo game at Claymore 2017
Fancy to try out Battle Havoc! in practice? I have the pleasure to announce that I’m going to run a demo game at Claymore 2017 Wargames Show in Edinburgh. So if you are there why don’t you pop up and say hello or try the game yourself? See you there!!! About Claymore…