A wee delay
Sadly, we are experiencing a wee delay on the printer front. The printer we used in Germany to print boxes has stopped shipping orders to the UK. At least for now, as they are working on an improved system for that. Hopefully, that will be sooner rather than later, as we have a good working relationship with them. In the meantime, we have found a new printer that is currently working on our boxes.
We are still waiting for the rulebooks to be delivered from our UK printers. The delay here is entirely on my side, as I simply took extra time for the book layout and delivered files to the printers a bit late.
The problems with our printer’s problems are all sorted now, but sadly, that means the delivery of the pre-orders will be delayed by a week or two.
I want to apologise to all our customers for the current delay, and I would like to assure you, that we are doing everything to get your pre-orders to you as soon as possible.
300 Serries

The good news is that the 300 series sets are almost ready to go. As soon as the new rulebooks hit our warehouse, we will start shipping them to you ASAP.
Major Lilliane Ironburn

Major Lilliane Ironburn reports for duty!
And here is the painted example of the new Viridian hero that I hope you will get on your painting table soon!
That’s all for now. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions regarding your pre-orders or our products. I’m more than happy to help and answer any questions.