We have some exciting news! As some of you may know, here at Seb Games, we are not only fantasy and SF gamers. We do love historical wargames very much. So it should not be surprising that when we had the opportunity to enter the field of historical miniatures, we stomp in without second thoughts!
Laddies and Gentlemen, without further ado, let me introduce the Commando Strike range!
Commando Strike is a historical range of 28mm miniatures made in metal and resin. Our main focus will be mostly on less know but not less interesting formations and nations that took part in World War 2. The first line covers Royal Hungarian Army (previously produced by Dog Tag Miniatures), but soon we will expand the range with more miniatures!
Our aim is simple, to deliver interesting and well research miniatures for both gamers and collectors!
Miniatures gallery
Click on image to enlarge.